Cause Marketing Versus Philanthropy

Why is the difference between cause marketing and philanthropy important?

Because the way you raise and donate money to charity through your business, and how you communicate what you are doing, have an impact on whether cause marketing legislation applies.

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How to Measure Your Impact

The value of your actions is only as good as the impact you have. What impact are you having?

I don’t mean what you’re ‘doing’ but rather the extent to which your actions are making a difference to the lives of others or the planet.

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The Power of Being Versus the Stress of Doing

I wonder if like me you’ve been conditioned to believe you need to work hard to do well in life or make your business work?

We all experience ups and downs in life and running a successful business can certainly feel like hard work at times. But it doesn’t always have to be that way!

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How to Feel the Energy of Success…

If you ever set yourself a goal or dream that didn’t happen one of the contributing factors is likely to have been how you felt about achieving this. 

Today I share why stepping into the energy of success is so important and how to embrace this. 

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Are You Doing Enough Joyful Marketing?

There are many ways to promote what you do, but which marketing strategies are best for you?

The way I see things is that we’re more likely to DO what we enjoy, rather than what drains are energy.  So today I share my thoughts on choosing joyful marketing strategies for attracting more of your ideal clients. 

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Copyright Alisoun Mackenzie 2017 with love
Website designed and built by Jodee Peevor