How To Create Irresistible Freebies Your Clients Will Love

I love that nowadays there are so many great free resources available on the internet, that give us as consumers the chance to check someone out ahead of deciding whether to sign up to their products or services.

Do you think potential customers would be more likely to buy from you if they knew more about how you or could sample your products/services?

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The Power Of Exciting Goals

It’s really exciting to have a dream or an idea – but how do you turn this into reality?

Setting and embracing heart driven goals is a great starting point. And there are two ways to do this – one is to set yourself a ‘realistic’ goal that you are confident about achieving. Or you can set yourself a humungous goal that seems mad or scary yet excites you. There is no right or wrong. What’s more important is that you set yourself goals aligned to your vision and that tap into what motivates you and energises you, so you feel compelled to act.

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How Could Being Like An Elephant Help You In Business?

One of my fondest memories of my honeymoon in Sri Lanka last year was watching masses of elephants in their natural habitat – these majestic animals were mesmerising!

While I’d love it if elephants could master the ability to better dodge poachers, what are they really good at is just being the  unique elephant they were born to be – part of a family community, roaming vast areas (thanks their incredible long-range infrasound) and being compassionate towards others in distress.

When you are being true to the unique and authentic soul you were born to be (and expressing this clearly with compassion your marketing) you are more likely to stand out, to be memorable and attract more of your ideal clients. Yet through the course of life many people have become disconnected from their truth, are unsure about their purpose or don’t communicate this – I know I’ve felt unsure about this in the past.

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Who Are More Successful In Business – Givers Or Takers

If you’re reading this, you’re most likely to enjoy helping and making a difference to others. But does this approach really pay off in business?

I’m having a great time researching this topic ahead of hosting my first‘Give To Profit’ Fundraising Tele-summit’ next month with lots of fantastic speakers who do business with heart. And so today I thought I’d share a couple of really encouraging findings I’ve discovered from reading ‘Give And Take’ by Adam Grant:

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What’s the ‘right’ number of emails to send?

One of the greatest resources you can build for your business is an email list of your ideal clients. But what do you do with it?

I used to send out monthly emails and was concerned about sending any more for fear of ‘bothering’ my list. Until I understood the benefits of sending out more frequent content based emails.

Are there some emails you usually open? And others you ignore?

I’ll bet some of what influences your decision to open an email include whether you like and respect the sender, you find their emails helpful and if you have time.

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It’s Good To Put Yourself First Sometimes…

I wonder if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, lacking energy or unhappy about the results you’re getting?

Over the last six weeks I’ve been suffering from a virus that has resulted in me spending a lot of time sleeping. As someone who is active and always doing things, giving in to my body has been a challenge. But eventually I recognized this as a nudge to stop and make some changes.

As a consequence I’ve committed to myself to re-establish daily habits in 2014 that will put me in the best place to feel good, be happy and healthy. One of these is to exercise in a way I love each day and last week I decided to watch the film Choice Point while on my running machine – I am so glad I did!

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Could detoxing your business help?

One of my favourite times of the year is the first day I see lambs playing in the fields. But I also love the colours and feelings of letting go in the autumn. It’s a great time to prune away the old so you can flourish and grow more radiantly when spring arrives again. Detoxing your business to get it more aligned to the life you’d like to enjoy every day, and your business goals, is something you can do any time of year.

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Copyright Alisoun Mackenzie 2017 with love
Website designed and built by Jodee Peevor