Do you want more friends—to talk to, go out with, or have fun with?
To foster deeper, more meaningful friendships?
Or to cope better with friendship challenges?
My book Nourishing Friendships: How to Make Friends You Love in Midlife and Beyond is packed with practical tips so you find it easier to make friends and enjoy harmonious relationships. Check it out more <HERE>.
Friendship Coaching
Some people find knowing what to do (as I share in my book) is enough to get them going. But others know they will find it easier to make friends with the support and guidance of an experienced friendship coach.
I can help you with all aspects of friendship so you find it easier to:
Find, make, and keep good friends.
Be a good friend to yourself and others.
Nurture friendships with the right people.
See the signs of toxic friendships so you can avoid them.
Set boundaries and say ‘no’ to friends without feeling guilty.
Resolve issues and conflicts with friends.
End friendships with compassion.
Cope better when friendships end.
Rekindle friendships.
Accept the evolving nature of friendships as you get older.
Overcome any resistance, mindset, or emotional blocks that are holding you back from enjoying great friendships.
Friendship coaching is for you if you’ve read my book and ANY of the following are true:
You want to feel more confident so you can make friends and enjoy life more – without doubting yourself, feeling scared or anxious, or worrying about what others think.
You’d like to chat through your ideas so you find it easier to get out there and make friends with the right people.

You’re ready to overcome any mindset blocks, emotional upsets, triggers, or resistance so you can feel more optimistic and enjoy genuine good friendships.