Source Social Suppliers
One of the easiest ways to have social impact through your business is to buy from ‘social’ suppliers. Keep reading to find out more about this subtle yet powerful way you can make a difference to others without spending any extra money.
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What is buying social?
Also known as social sourcing or impact sourcing, buying social involves consciously choosing to source the goods and services your business needs from suppliers who are charities or social enterprises.
By making this change you are making a difference and having social impact through the day-to-day operation of your business. Nowadays there are many social enterprises supplying business goods and services including stationery, printing, conference calls, venues, catering, software and people etc.
For example, when I run a networking event, my preference is to find a venue which is a social enterprise or charity. Obviously, there is a whole range of criteria I need for each event and I’m not willing to compromise on quality but I’ve found some fabulous venues that happen to be owned or run by social enterprises. If I can’t find a ‘social’ venue that matches all of the criteria I want, I still make a conscious choice about the type of company I buy from and usually select a venue run by a business with a good social impact mission and strategy.
Buying social is a quick and easy way for you to have a social impact, at no extra cost! It’s one of the strategies that also enables you to have social impact straight away rather than waiting until you’re operating at a good profit.
A good starting point is to look at all the areas you are currently spending your money and ask yourself if there’s any way you could source this from a social supplier.
I hope this has given you a good introduction to the idea of buying social. If you want to find out more social sourcing there is a chapter on this topic in my Give-to-Profit Book.
I’d love to hear your ideas and thoughts – please do share your comments and questions below.
P.S. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE or my Give to Profit Facebook Fanpage HERE.
Often described as one of the most authentic and inspiring souls you can meet, Alisoun is on a mission to empower business owners and entrepreneurs to grow fulfilling profitable businesses that make a difference in the world.
Alisoun’s keynote talks, training, mentoring, and best-selling books and Heartatude: The 9 Principles of Heart-Centered Success have favorably changed the good fortune of thousands of people worldwide. She loves doing humanitarian work, fundraising and living by the beach in Scotland.
Alisoun is also the founder of The Heartabiz Hub a business training academy and has written the following free ebooks:
- 52 Ways to Raise Funds for Charities and Social Causes Through Your Business (click here)
- 101 Ways To Attract Great Clients, With Heart, Integrity & Social Impact (click here)
- The 9 Secrets to Signing Up Clients Without Selling (click here)
You can connect with Alisoun here:
- Alisoun’s website –
- Alisoun Mackenzie Facebook Fanpage – click HERE
- Give To Profit Facebook Fanpage – click HERE
- Twitter – @AlisounMac