Overcome Your Doubts & Fears To Transform Your Business!

I love how we have this amazing feedback mechanism in our own bodies, to help guide us through life – letting us know what’s good for us, what’s working and what’s not. And that’s is your feelings.

Because your feelings are a reflection of what’s going on in the power house of your unconscious mind – the part of you that is driving what you do and how you do it. So if you’re feeling any resistance, fear, worry, anxiety or doubt in relation to your business, this is simply your body letting you know that there is a belief you have that is hindering your success. And the good news is that your can chose to think and feel differently – if you want to…

  • Are you scared of success or failure?
  • Do you worry about what others will think about you?
  • Do feel resistance towards getting out there and selling your products/services?
  • Do you doubt whether you’ll succeed in business?
  • Do you hold any negative beliefs around money?
  • Do you believe you deserve to be happy, loved and successful?
Whatever your beliefs, they are just thoughts that you’ve chosen (until now) to believe to be true. And in the same way you’ve ‘learnt’ to believe them, you can chose to believe more empowering thoughts. In the same way I’m sure you’ve changed your mind about hairstyles and fashion, the things that used to make you feel good – you can also change your mind about the believes that are not helping you live your dreams!
It really is your choice – to give in to limiting beliefs and negative feelings so you have excuses for not achieving what you’d really like. But please realise that YOU are the person who is responsible for dimming your light and sparkle.
Alternatively you can become curious and embrace future possibilities by taking action now to overcome what’s holding you back – so you can get better results and be out there helping more people.
Taking control of your thoughts and emotions is critical if you want to do well in business – and especially if you’d like to do this in a way that is fun, enjoyable and simply flows.
That’s why I show heart-centered business owners how to master a mindset and emotional resilliance for success as well as teaching the practical business savvy – so you know what to do and how to overcome what’s holding you back from taking inspired action.
The main tool I use with clients is tapping (a bit like accupunture without the needles) as it’s really effective and for you to learn to use for yourself.
So I invite you to check out my 10 min film on how to do this by clicking here.

I’d love to hear your ideas and thoughts – please do share your comments below.

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Alisoun Mackenzie is The Compassionate Business Mentor, Author, and Speaker who inspires business owners and social entrepreneurs to turn their passions into profits and make a difference in the world. 

She is also the author of two Amazon Best Selling books Heartatude, The 9 Principles of Heart-Centered Success and 

Alisoun is also the founder of The Heartabiz Hub a business network and training academy and has written the following free ebooks:

  • The 9 Secrets to Signing Up Clients Without Selling (click here)
  • 101 Ways To Attract Great Clients, With Heart, Integrity & Social Impact (click here)
  • 52 Ways to Raise Funds for Charities and Social Causes Through Your Business  (click here)

You can connect with Alisoun here:

  • Alisoun Mackenzie Facebook Fanpage (for tips on authentic living and business mastery) – click HERE
  • The Heartabiz Hub Facebook Fanpage (for details about our courses and events) – click HERE
  • Give To Profit Facebook Fanpage (tips on supporting charities and social causes) – click HERE
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  • This is a great intro and so easy to do, thanks for sharing this Alisoun. It’s like your own personal rescue remedy- a great back stop for any difficult or challenging situation.

  • This is so true!! Every business owner has doubts & fears…..even those that are very successful. It all comes down to how you handle those emotions. Do you sit back and let the emotions take over? or.. Do you look them in the “face” and take on the challenge? Sure, making those tough business decisions can be scary, because no one wants to fail. But there’s also the mindset of…..”you don’t know unless you try”.

    Thanks for sharing Alisoun. 🙂

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