Enabling women over forty to enjoy a meaningful life that lights up their heart and leaves a legacy they are proud of – without compromising who they truly are

Could we have fun supporting each other, collaborating, and making a greater difference in the world?

Hi and welcome!

Thanks for taking the time to check me out and to consider whether we could be good Joint Venture Partners.

I love working with like-minded partners who are interested in developing long-term partnerships – relationships where we can support one another, share ideas, help build each others’ business, and change the world.

I’m sure you’ll agree it’s really important to be selective about the partners you choose to collaborate with and so I’ve created this page to share a little about me and people I work with, so you can determine whether we could be a good fit – not just us personally but also for our audiences. I don’t want to waste your time or mine.

Below you’ll find details of my products, how I typically collaborate and support partners, who my ideal partners are, and who I don’t collaborate with.

If you think we could work well together, I’d be delighted to hear from you!

Kind wishes


My Key Product

Women Rock the World (Online Community)

Women Rock the World (Online Community)

Want to enjoy a meaningful life that lights up your heart and leaves a legacy you're proud of –without compromising who you truly are? Women Rock the World is an inclusive yet exclusive vibrant community of heart-centered women over forty who want to thrive, make the most of life, and make a difference in the world. Join us to nourish your heart, transform your life, and feel you're making a valuable contribution in ways that matter to you.' LEAD MAGNETS Quiz: My Meaningful Life Quiz Ebook: 101 Ways to Create a Joyful Meaningful Life Over 40 Ebook: 52 Ways to Raise Funds for Charity Through Your Business PRICE POINT: £20/£50/£100 a month (approx US$30/$75/150 a month) REFERRAL COMMISSION: 10%

Find out more

Ways I can support you…

If we connect and decide we’d be great partners for one another, I’d love to help you grow your business. I can support you in any one or more of the following ways:

  1. Raising funds for causes important to you – some people pay sales commission but I’m not a fan of affiliate marketing as I’ve seen too many people push products that really aren’t in their follower’s best interests. I also only want to partner with people who value social and environmental impact as much as making money. So rather than paying commission to my partners, I pay 10% donations for referrals of my online products/services. I use affiliate tracking software (Kajabi) us both to see how much you’re raising for causes from promoting my products.

  2. Interviewing you – I host the Women Rock the World  Podcast Show (to be released in 2022) and I’m always looking for fascinating women over forty who are making the most of their wisdom years and making a difference in the world.

  3. Promoting your products/services – I love to promote my long-term business partners and podcast guests. However, I’m not a fan of bombarding my email list with promotions or participating in large launches where partners are often all churning the same email lists. I work with regularly with the same partners, and so there is only limited availability for me to promote new partners unless they offer something unique and different to what we already offer through Women Rock the World.

  4. Providing ‘business for good’ or ‘meaningful life’ content for your programs and events – I have quite a few talks and courses I can deliver as an online event for your audience so together we can have a more positive impact in the world.

  5. Providing blog content for magazines (online or offline) or blogs – I have lots of blogs/vlogs on the topic of creating a joyful meaningful life after forty, business for good, and charitable giving we could discuss sharing with your audience.

  6. Being an impact expert for your community – if social and enviromental impact is important to you and you’d like to educate your audience on how they could have more impact through their businesses, I’m always open to exploring how I could be an expert contributor.

  7. Turning your in-person events into a powerful force for good – incorporating fundraising and social impact activities into your conferences, summits, and mastermind meetings can be an excellent way to engage with audiences, develop deeper connections and do good at the same time. All leading to more memorable events and a greater likelihood you’ll become known as a ‘business-for-good’ brand. I help clients do this as a strategic consultant and mentor.

  8. Being a speaker at events or shows – the one thing I love and am exceptionally good at is giving engaging and inspiring talks to large audiences. I’m always open to opportunities for doing this with, both online and in-person e.g. at conferences, client events, network meetings, on podcasts or radio shows, TV shows or book launches, etc. I only very occasionally do tele-summit interviews unless you are already one of my long-term partners or are offering an exceptional opportunity. I’m happy to provide bonus interviews if you don’t need me to mail my list.

  9. Donating free gifts/great content –  I have a range of digital products and resources I can offer as bonuses for your product launches, programs or prizes for fundraising events.

  10. Delivering bespoke ad-hoc training solutions – as an experienced trainer I love delivering engaging and interactive training solutions (in person and online). I’m open to discussing how my training solutions could supplement what you offer or be part of your events.

  11. Connecting you to others in my network – I love to connect people who I think could work well together.

Who are my ideal joint venture partners?

I love working with proactive fun-loving partners who serve large numbers of my ideal clients namely heart-centered women over forty who want to thrive, make the most of life, and make a difference in the world.

My partners are those who are already adopting a kind, ethical and compassionate approach to business and who want to spread the word that women over forty have something valuable to offer.

We could be a good fit if you serve the audience I mention above and you:

  • Share similar values as me – that we all have a responsibility to make the world a better place: to treat all living creatures (including ourselves) with love, kindness, compassion, integrity, and respect; to help those less fortunate than ourselves; and to do what we can to live an authentic balanced life and save the planet. To be applying similar principles in our businesses as our personal life. I particularly love connecting with people who are taking action to tackle poverty, homelessness, social injustice or a lack of education, to improve the well-being of young people or help refugees. Especially if you volunteer regularly or have experience of doing overseas humanitarian work.

  • Focus on impact to drive profits – there’s more to business than simply making money. You put positive social impact and making a difference at the heart of your business and balance this with a savvy approach to business.

  • Like to build good long-term relationships and work collaboratively– where we can take time getting to know each other and supporting each other and rather than only promoting each other. The exception to this is if you want to hire me which is different to long-term partnering. Or if you’re a Podcast Host or potential expert an area relevant to my Give-to-Profit Podcast where this relationship may start with appearing on a show.

  • Offer products/services that complement what I offer – for obvious reasons.
  • Value compassionate and ethical marketing – where the focus is helping potential clients determine the best solution for them whether or not this buying from you. Being honest and transparent in communications and not applying any manipulative sales techniques (see below for marketing and sales practices I hate).
  • Add value to your followers – regularly sharing your own valuable content e.g. blogging, vlogging, podcasts or email marketing. Having a range of free and low-cost solutions as well as higher priced products/services.
  • Focus on community building rather than simply list building – connecting to your audience and followers in some way rather than just building a list of contacts to promote to.
  • Already have a responsive email list/community of my ideal clients – to whom you can promote my products/services should we decide that’s a good idea.
  • Offer products/services at a similar price point – I’ve found from experience that it’s important our product/service price points are similar or it limits the scope for cross-selling.
  • I mainly work with partners who are already ‘JV ready’ – i.e. those who have an have proven products/services and an engaged community of followers. In the online world (and depending on the nature of our collaboration) this could include having robust sales landing pages, opt-ins and promotional lead magnets that convert use affiliate tracking software through which you could make donations to causes close to my heart (where relevant).

If you like the sound of what I share above, and you think we (and our products/services) could be a good fit, please get in touch by emailing [email protected].

To make sure we both get the most of from our conversation, please either share a link to a page like this one or tell me a little about you, your business and how you think we could be a good fit. 

Please do not ask me to partner with you if…

You may be a kind heart-centred soul, this doesn’t mean we’d be a good fit for collaborating in business. It’s not personal–but time is money in business. I don’t want to be wasting your time or mine if we’re obviously not a good fit to collaborate with one another. So please don’t contact me about partnering if:

  • You do not serve the same audience.

  • You do not resonate with my values and what I say above.

  • You don’t support causes or focus on the social impact of your business.

  • You’ve not checked out what I offer and do – this may sound obvious but if you don’t know what I do, how can you think we’d be a good ‘fit’?

  • You’re only looking for me to promote you – as I’ve said above I’m not interested in that kind of relationship.

  • You don’t yet have a clear message or product/service offering that is generating a profitable business for you and delivering good results to your clients.
  • You want me to promote a product/service with the term ‘6 or 7 Figure’ in the title – while I’m all for people earning more than this (and help others achieve this) I hate this term when used in marketing for many reasons, as do most of my partners and client base. So no matter how much I like you as a person, if you use these terms we are not a good fit.

  • You only promote yourself or others to your list/community – i.e. you don’t also share valuable free content or support to your audience (with no sales pitch). I don’t want to introduce my followers to people who don’t add value to them and only send promotional emails.

  • You adopt unethical, manipulative or out-dated marketing/sales practices – this includes ‘selling from the stage’ (where a talk/presentation includes a sales pitch and this is delivered to audiences who have not requested you pitch to them); bombarding your email list with promotional emails (particularly those using uppercase words, yellow and red highlights); not being transparent about the fact you’re earning sales commissions from referrals; using false scarcity based tactics simply to get sales, or simply making dishonest in claims.

What’s next?

Thanks for taking the time to check me out and consider whether we could be good Joint Venture Partners.

If you think we could be a good fit, I look forward to hearing from you. Please do email me at [email protected]

To make sure we both get the most of from our conversation, please either share a link to a page like this one or tell me a little about you, your business and why you think we could be a good fit. 

Kind wishes


Who am I?

People often describe me as one of the most authentic, inspiring and heart-centered women you can meet. Find out more HERE.

Copyright Alisoun Mackenzie 2017 with love
Website designed and built by Jodee Peevor